Urs Breitsprecher

Partner, Mütze Korsch Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Together with a keen sense of justice, my interest in the commercial interactions between law and the economy caused me to pursue a legal career. My motivation came from my  daily interaction with people, and the opportunity to engage and support them, and also the joy of being able to achieve something through advocacy on their behalf, whether in court, or through negotiation. I value having direct contact with my clients; to me, building a personal and trusting relationship with them, one with a high measure of reliability is paramount.

Urs Breitsprecher was born in 1974 in Leverkusen. After obtaining his diploma in European Law (University of Wales, Aberystwyth) in 1998 and Bachelor of Law (University College London) in 2001, he completed the first juridical state examination at the University of Passau and the second state examination in 2003 at Frankfurt am Main. Furthermore, Urs Breitsprecher is qualified as: an English solicitor (2004), a specialist solicitor for business and coperate law (2007) and a specialist solicitor for tax law (2009).

From 2003 onward, Urs Breitsprecher worked in the legal department of a German bank. This was followed by freelance work from a shared office in Wuppertal and in 2007 he worked at the law firm Kleinekorte & Kollegen in Dusseldorf. In 2010 Urs Breitsprecher joined Busekist, Winter & Partner (the former appellate law firm for the Higher Regional Court) in Dusseldorf, and since June 2013 he had been a partner in his new law firm v. Woedtke & Partners.

In May 2016 Urs joined the independent law firm MKRG (Mütze Korsch Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft) as equity partner in the Corporate and Restructuring Group.